مقصد وضوح المال وتطبيقاته في الآراء الفقهية المالية عند ابن نجيم الحنفي: دراسة تحليلية

The Purpose of Financial Clarity and its Applications in Financial Jurisprudential Views of Ibn Nujaym Al-Hanafi: An Analytical Study


  • Md Rahmat Ali Ph.D. Student, Department: Fiqh and Usul al-Fiqh, Kulliyyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences, International Islamic University Malaysia
  • Mohammad Amanullah Professor, Department: Fiqh and Usul al-Fiqh, Kulliyyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences, International Islamic University Malaysia,


Clarity of money, Financial transactions, Ibn nujaym, Objectives of shariah


This research aims to study the objectives of Shari'ah in the clarity of money and its application in the financial jurisprudential opinions of Imam Ibn Nujaym al-Hanafi (926-970 AH). Islamic Shari'ah has permitted legally commissioned persons to earn, grow, and preserve their wealth by following its principles and conditions. Among those are keeping it away from harm, evil, disputes, and conflicts, and preventing injustice and oppression. Ibn Nujaym is a prominent jurist, He has a great role in Islamic jurisprudence, particularly in Hanafi jurisprudence. Due to his remarkable jurisprudential contributions to Islamic finance and wealth management contribution He clearly stated the objectives of the Shari'ah in clarity of money justice in its legal and economic literature. The researchers aim to discover these applications from his literature. Inductive and analytical approaches were adopted to study and analyze the issue from Ibn Nujaym’s jurisprudential and economic legacies. This study reached several conclusions, the most important of which is that Islamic Shari'ah emphasized preserving money and protecting it from loss, and it addressed the legislation of rulings that lead to achieving clarity of wealth and its documentation during transactions, and several law penalties for his maintenance and enacted to combat injustice and protect it from being violated. Ibn Nujaym has contributed to achieving these objectives in his jurisprudential and economic classifications. His applications become clear in the extrapolation of his juristic opinions in the jurisprudence of wealth.


