The Role of Western Media in Intensifying Muslim Identity Crisis: Causes, Consequences and Recommendations


  • Sidra Ahmed Senior Lecturer - IR program DHA Suffa University Karachi
  • Dr. Samreen B. Aamir Assistant Professor - IR program DHA Suffa University Karachi


Muslim Identity, identity crisis, western media


Muslim identity is the most contested concept in the present-day western media. Fear, orthodoxy, terrorism, irrationality and Islamization are the few keywords to portray the Muslims. Unfortunately, these discouraging identity references, broadcasted largely by the western media, have been trusted extensively and implied globally. The negative depiction of Muslims in Western media severely damaged its identity as a community that is highly varied, young and energetically growing in numbers. Suspecting an whole community because of the policies and actions of definite sections motived by their political motivations, has resulted in identity crisis. The aim of this paper is to deliberate the causes and consequences of identity crisis, and, to bring into view some recommendations in the light teachings of Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) for endorsing the precise portrayal of Islam and Muslims. Along with the prevailing literature research, a detailed discourse study of western media has been conducted. The significance of the issue for the entire world, particularly the Muslim world, makes it noteworthy globally.


